Are you looking for an all-in-one toolkit to build up your dream construct to try expressing your enzymes of choice, tailored to your lab’s resources and needs? A toolkit containing different promoters, RBSs, linkers, tags, reporters? This collection might be for you.
A collection of >100 DNA parts designed to be assembled in one-pot reaction using BsaI-based Golden-Gate assembly. DNA parts are MoClo, SEVA, Loop and CIDAR assembly compatible. The collection includes:
- 3 promoters
- 7 RBS and insulators
- 9 purification tags, 3 localization signals
- 5 cleavage sites, flexible linkers
- 23 genes of which 5 are reporters and 18 are used in diagnostics
- 3 destination vectors
The Protein Expression Toolkit is shipped as purified and dried down plasmid DNA stained with Cresol Red in two 96-well plates. Each well contains approximately 50 ng of DNA. Cresol Red will not impact plasmid transformation.
What can it be used for:
Use the DNA parts of the collection to assemble the expression plasmids for the protein of your choice, tailored to the resources present in your lab. The collection enables thousands of combinations for each gene of choice. Full power of the collection can be explored using pipetting robots. The collection is compatible with all the CDSs present in the Open Enzyme collections.
Assembly Scheme
If you've already received the kit, check out the layout for Plate 1 and Plate 2.
This kit is included in kit plate 2 of the 2022 iGEM distribution. The plate map for kit plate 2 of the iGEM 2022 distribution can be found here.
This product is made available under the unilateral OpenMTA.
Some or all of these items are for use only as permitted by a research exemption.
If you are interested in requesting additional parts to be added to this toolkit, complete this request form.
Gene | Name | NCBI ID | Freegenes ID |
CE_meffBlue/Rtms5/ NF pocilloporin /Biobrick K1033902 | CE_meffBlue/Rtms5/ NF pocilloporin /Biobrick K1033902 | BBF10K_003332 | |
CE_sarcGFP | CE_sarcGFP | BBF10K_003356 | |
CE_beta-galactosidase | CE_beta-galactosidase | BBF10K_003366 | |
AF_lacZ pDest | AF_lacZ pDest | N/A | BBF10K_003373 |
AE_lacZ pDest | AE_lacZ pDest | N/A | BBF10K_003375 |
AF_high copy (pUC) ori/KanR | AF_high copy (pUC) ori/KanR | N/A | BBF10K_003376 |
AF_medium copy (pET) ori/KanR | AF_medium copy (pET) ori/KanR | N/A | BBF10K_003377 |
AB_T7 | AB_T7 | N/A | BBF10K_003378 |
AB_T7_lacO | AB_T7_lacO | N/A | BBF10K_003379 |
AB_pTac | AB_pTac | N/A | BBF10K_003380 |
BT1_BCD2 | BT1_BCD2 | N/A | BBF10K_003384 |
BT1_Riboj54_F1 | BT1_Riboj54_F1 | N/A | BBF10K_003385 |
BT1_Riboj_B34 | BT1_Riboj_B34 | N/A | BBF10K_003386 |
BT1_BCD12 | BT1_BCD12 | N/A | BBF10K_003387 |
BT1_BCD23 | BT1_BCD23 | N/A | BBF10K_003388 |
BT1_BCD2_His | BT1_BCD2_His | N/A | BBF10K_003389 |
BT1_RiboJ_B34_His | BT1_RiboJ_B34_His | N/A | BBF10K_003390 |
BT1_BCD2_DsbA | BT1_BCD2_DsbA | N/A | BBF10K_003391 |
BT1_BCD2_OmpT | BT1_BCD2_OmpT | N/A | BBF10K_003392 |
BT1_BCD2_pelB | BT1_BCD2_pelB | N/A | BBF10K_003393 |
T1T2_Calm | T1T2_Calm | N/A | BBF10K_003395 |
T1T2_CBD | T1T2_CBD | N/A | BBF10K_003396 |
T1T2_Cex | T1T2_Cex | N/A | BBF10K_003397 |
T1T2_MBP | T1T2_MBP | N/A | BBF10K_003398 |
T1T2_R5 | T1T2_R5 | N/A | BBF10K_003399 |
T1T2_GST | T1T2_GST | N/A | BBF10K_003400 |
T1T2_CipA | T1T2_CipA | N/A | BBF10K_003401 |
T1T2_S-Tag | T1T2_S-Tag | N/A | BBF10K_003402 |
T1T2_GB1 | T1T2_GB1 | N/A | BBF10K_003403 |
T1T2_GS flexible | T1T2_GS flexible | N/A | BBF10K_003404 |
T1T3_GS flexible | T1T3_GS flexible | N/A | BBF10K_003405 |
T1C_GS flexible | T1C_GS flexible | N/A | BBF10K_003406 |
T1C_His_TEVcut | T1C_His_TEVcut | N/A | BBF10K_003407 |
BT2_BCD2_His | BT2_BCD2_His | N/A | BBF10K_003408 |
BT2_RiboJ_B34 | BT2_RiboJ_B34 | N/A | BBF10K_003409 |
BC_B0034 | BC_B0034 | N/A | BBF10K_003410 |
BC_B0032 | BC_B0032 | N/A | BBF10K_003411 |
BC_RiboJ_RBS64 | BC_RiboJ_RBS64 | N/A | BBF10K_003412 |
BC_RiboJ_B34 | BC_RiboJ_B34 | N/A | BBF10K_003413 |
BC_BCD23 | BC_BCD23 | N/A | BBF10K_003414 |
BC_BCD12 | BC_BCD12 | N/A | BBF10K_003415 |
BC_BCD2 | BC_BCD2 | N/A | BBF10K_003416 |
T2C_GS flexible | T2C_GS flexible | N/A | BBF10K_003417 |
T2C_TEVcut | T2C_TEVcut | N/A | BBF10K_003418 |
BC_BCD2_His_TEVcut | BC_BCD2_His_TEVcut | N/A | BBF10K_003419 |
BC_BCD2_His_fuGFP_TEVcut | BC_BCD2_His_fuGFP_TEVcut | N/A | BBF10K_003420 |
T2T3_int_∆I | T2T3_int_∆I | BBF10K_003421 | |
T2T3_SUMO | T2T3_SUMO | BBF10K_003422 | |
T2T3_fuGFP | T2T3_fuGFP | BBF10K_003423 | |
T2T3_AmilCP | T2T3_AmilCP | BBF10K_003424 | |
T2T3_GS flexible | T2T3_GS flexible | BBF10K_003425 | |
T3C_SUMO | T3C_SUMO | BBF10K_003426 | |
T3C_TEV | T3C_TEV | BBF10K_003427 | |
T3C_int_∆I | T3C_int_∆I | BBF10K_003428 | |
T3C_fuGFP | T3C_fuGFP | BBF10K_003429 | |
T3C_GS flexible linker | T3C_GS flexible linker | N/A | BBF10K_003430 |
CD_OMMLV | CD_OMMLV | BBF10K_003431 | |
CD_HIVRT | CD_HIVRT | BBF10K_003432 | |
CD_Bst-LF | CD_Bst-LF | BBF10K_003433 | |
CD_OpenVent | CD_OpenVent | BBF10K_003434 | |
CD_RNAseInhibitor | CD_RNAseInhibitor | BBF10K_003436 | |
CD_gp32 | CD_gp32 | BBF10K_003437 | |
CD_BsuLF | CD_BsuLF | BBF10K_003438 | |
CD_UvsY | CD_UvsY | BBF10K_003439 | |
CD_UvsX | CD_UvsX | BBF10K_003440 | |
CE_T7RNApol_Stop | CE_T7RNApol_Stop | BBF10K_003441 | |
CD_PBCV-1_ligase | CD_PBCV-1_ligase | BBF10K_003442 | |
CD_HRP | CD_HRP | BBF10K_003443 | |
CD_TEV_protease | CD_TEV_protease | BBF10K_003444 | |
CD_SUMO_protease | CD_SUMO_protease | BBF10K_003445 | |
CD_Calmodulin | CD_Calmodulin | BBF10K_003446 | |
CD_fuGFP | CD_fuGFP | BBF10K_003447 | |
CD_AmilCP | CD_AmilCP | BBF10K_003448 | |
CD_TthRNAseH | CD_TthRNAseH | BBF10K_003449 | |
CD_EcRNAseH | CD_EcRNAseH | BBF10K_003450 | |
DT4_Int_SaltS | DT4_Int_SaltS | N/A | BBF10K_003451 |
DT4_Int_ThiolS | DT4_Int_ThiolS | N/A | BBF10K_003452 |
DT4_TEV | DT4_TEV | N/A | BBF10K_003453 |
DT4_fuGFP | DT4_fuGFP | N/A | BBF10K_003454 |
DT4_GS flexible linker | DT4_GS flexible linker | N/A | BBF10K_003455 |
DT5_TEVcut | DT5_TEVcut | N/A | BBF10K_003457 |
DF_TEVcut_His_Stop_TZ | DF_TEVcut_His_Stop_TZ | N/A | BBF10K_003459 |
DF_TEVcut_fuGFP_His_Stop_TZ | DF_TEVcut_fuGFP_His_Stop_TZ | N/A | BBF10K_003460 |
T4T5_Int_ThiolS | T4T5_Int_ThiolS | N/A | BBF10K_003461 |
T4T5_Int_SaltS | T4T5_Int_SaltS | N/A | BBF10K_003462 |
T4T5_AmilCP | T4T5_AmilCP | N/A | BBF10K_003463 |
T4T5_fuGFP | T4T5_fuGFP | N/A | BBF10K_003464 |
T4T5_GS flexible | T4T5_GS flexible | N/A | BBF10K_003465 |
T4E_3xStop | T4E_3xStop | N/A | BBF10K_003466 |
T5E_6H | T5E_6H | N/A | BBF10K_003467 |
T5E_Calm | T5E_Calm | N/A | BBF10K_003468 |
T5E_CBD | T5E_CBD | N/A | BBF10K_003469 |
T5E_Cex | T5E_Cex | N/A | BBF10K_003470 |
T5E_MBP | T5E_MBP | N/A | BBF10K_003471 |
T5E_R5 | T5E_R5 | N/A | BBF10K_003472 |
T5E_CipA | T5E_CipA | N/A | BBF10K_003473 |
T5E_3xStop | T5E_3xStop | N/A | BBF10K_003474 |
EF_ECK9600 | EF_ECK9600 | N/A | BBF10K_003475 |
EF_T7term | EF_T7term | N/A | BBF10K_003476 |
EF_TZ | EF_TZ | N/A | BBF10K_003477 |
Download all of this information as a CSV from our GitHub.
The bionet enables open peer-peer exchange of functional biomaterials and associated data. This product may also be available from bionet nodes that are more convenient to you. Here are other bionet nodes who may be willing to provide you this specific product.Name | Contact | Country |
Ery Fukushima | ery.fukushima {at} ikiam {dot} edu {dot} ec | Ecuador |
John Allan | john.allan {at} northumbria {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Daniel Fernandez | NA | United States |
Ahmad Suparmin | ahmad.suparmin {at} ugm {dot} ac {dot} id | Indonesia |
Shivang Joshi | https://www.bacto.bio | United Kingdom |
Tri Ngo | NA | United States |
Suresh Arakera | sbarakera {at} kud {dot} ac {dot} in | India |
Mariela Escobar | maru {at} michroma {dot} co | Argentina |
Jordan Gonzalez | jgonzalez {at} thecitizensciencelab {dot} org | United States |
Nikolaus Dietz | nikolaus.dietz {at} unibas {dot} ch | Switzerland |
Jimmy Linhares | Synbioamazonas {at} gmail {dot} com | Brazil |
Jonathan LeCureux | jlecureu {at} svsuedu | United States |
elwi machado | elwi.machado {at} unisimonbolivar {dot} edu {dot} co | Colombia |
Guillermo VegaLopez | guillermo.vega-lopez {at} fbqf {dot} unt {dot} edu {dot} ar | United States |
Majed Alghamdi | mafa2 {at} le {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
robson tramontina | robson.tramontina {at} gmail {dot} com | Brazil |
Moritz Venne | moritz.venne {at} web {dot} de | Germany |
Wei-Min Chang | WeiMinChang {at} tmu {dot} edu {dot} tw | Taiwan |
Vincent Paris | NA | United States |
John Allan | john.allan {at} eng {dot} ox {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Amitabha Majumdar | Mamitava {at} nccs {dot} res {dot} in | India |
Meng Lu | menglu {at} iastate {dot} edu | United States |
Krishna Gupta | gupta-krishna {at} ipfdd {dot} de | Germany |
Matias Cabeza | matiascabeza {at} gmail {dot} com | Argentina |
Jonathan Chevriau | j.chevriau {at} gmail {dot} com | Argentina |
Ben Thuronyi | bwt2 {at} williams {dot} edu | United States |
Tomasz Jurkowski | jurkowskit {at} cardiff {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Patrik D'haeseleer | patrikd {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Erman ÖZER | aracnoid {at} gmail {dot} com | Turkey |
Intan Taufik | i.taufik {at} sith {dot} itb {dot} ac {dot} id | Indonesia |
Nick McGregor | mcgregn2 {at} gmail {dot} com | Canada |
Peer Schenk | reuben.brown {at} uqconnect {dot} edu {dot} au | Australia |
Tim Dobbs | tim.dobbs {at} cri-paris {dot} org | France |
Dong Nguyen Tam | NA | Vietnam |
Sreenivas Eadara | sreeni.eadara {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Kyle Erlenbeck | krerlenbeck {at} dcsdk12 {dot} org | United States |
Esteban Erben | eerben {at} iib {dot} unsam {dot} edu {dot} ar | Argentina |
Wapouo Fadanka Stephane | mboalab {at} gmail {dot} com | Republic of Cameroon |
Peter Rootes | root0059 {at} umn {dot} edu | United States |
Ahmed Hegazy | a.hegazy {at} biotec {dot} rwth-aachen {dot} de | Germany |
Amjed Alsultan | amjed.talib {at} qu {dot} edu {dot} iq | Iraq |
Michael Miller | michael.j.miller {at} uon {dot} edu {dot} au | Australia |
Emre Yörük | unalsergen {at} gmail {dot} com | Turkey |
Emin Bursa | NA | United States |
Watanyu Bunsermyos | watanyu.bu {at} ku {dot} th | Thailand |
Rodrigo Caroca | rcaroca {at} uazuay {dot} edu {dot} ec | Ecuador |
Shree Ram Singh | singhlabasu {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Andrei Berasneu | andreyberesnevson {at} gmail {dot} com | Poland |
Nicholas White | nickk.white {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Marc Juul | marc {at} juul {dot} io | United States |
Tocvic Meng | Tocvic Meng \ Email: tocvic.meng {at} holocyte {dot} com \ website https://gmexpression {dot} com/ | Australia |
TING-WEI LIN | weitinglin66 {at} gmail {dot} com | Taiwan |
Lisandro Pacheco | lpacheco28 {at} unisimonbolivar {dot} edu {dot} co | Colombia |
Jacques Mathieu | mathieu {at} rice {dot} edu | United States |
Stephen Klusza | smklusza {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Yi Zhang | www.pharmozyme.com | United States |
Simran Kushwaha | https://www.bits-pilani.ac.in/pilani/biologicalScience/Faculty | India |
Han Teng Wong | wong_han_teng {at} imcb {dot} a-star {dot} edu {dot} sg | Singapore |
Jose David Rosales | https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-rosales-574a7151/ | United States |
Alexandr Dorif | dorif11 {at} gmail {dot} com | Moldova, Republic of |
Prince Samoh | Samohprince.edem {at} gmail {dot} com | Ghana |
Shu Li | shu {at} petribio {dot} com | United States |
Manish Kushwaha | manish.kushwaha {at} inrae {dot} fr | France |
Ferdinand Molnár | NA | Kazakhstan |
Andrew Gray | andrewg {at} bioq {dot} org {dot} au | Australia |
Keoni Gandall | koeng101 {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Cihan Aydin | cihan.aydin {at} medeniyet {dot} edu {dot} tr | Turkey |
Benjamin Arias | barias {at} alumni {dot} usfq {dot} edu {dot} ec | Ecuador |
Juan Vicente Farizano | juan.farizano {at} fbqf {dot} unt {dot} edu {dot} ar | Argentina |
Aleksandr Shilovich | mercurialbadger {at} yandex {dot} ru | Russia |
Dayananda Chandrappa | e2ebiotech {at} gmail {dot} com | India |
LUN CUI | luncui {at} cczu {dot} edu {dot} cn | China |
Alexander Iakovlev | atom.liquid {at} gmail {dot} com | Canada |
Peer Schenk | Reuben.brown {at} uq {dot} edu {dot} au | Australia |
Kelly Gallagher | kelly.gallagher {at} oneonta {dot} edu | United States |
Anil Challa | akchalla {at} uab {dot} edu | United States |
Pratik Vyas | iampratikvyas {at} gamil {dot} com | India |
Kefentse Arnold Tumedi | tumediak {at} yahoo {dot} com | Botswana |
Jose Munoz | Jose.Munoz {at} northumbria {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Arthur Zanetti Nunes Fernandes | fgueiros {at} iq {dot} usp {dot} br | United States |
Matthew Phanchana | matthew.pha {at} mahidol {dot} edu | Thailand |
Tal Globus | bio {at} talglobus {dot} com | United States |
Foong-Jing Goh | wind1989 {at} hotmail {dot} com | Taiwan |
Elizabeth Bilsland | bilsland {at} unicamp {dot} br | Brazil |
Fristot Elsa | elsa.fristot {at} cbs {dot} cnrs {dot} fr | France |
Kenneth Frimpong | ken.frimpong {at} thrivusinstitute {dot} edu {dot} gh | Ghana |
Aileen Button | acbutton {at} ucsd {dot} edu | United States |
James Altamirano | James_altam {at} yahoo {dot} com | United States |
Ahmed Atef | ahmed_atefaig2 {at} yahoo {dot} com | Saudi Arabia |
Amir Kashani | NA | Canada |
Josephine Labos | N/A | Philippines |
Jennifer Hsieh | j.hsieh {at} kurabiotech {dot} com | Chile |
Muhammad Shoaib | mshoaib {at} lums {dot} edu {dot} pk | Pakistan |
Ashton Cropp | tacropp {at} vcu {dot} edu | United States |
William Fried | uscigem {at} usc {dot} edu | United States |
Vitaliy Strochkov | NA | Kazakhstan |
Muzaffar Muminov | muminov.imbio {at} gmail {dot} com | Uzbekistan |
Stephen Klusza | StephenKlusza {at} clayton {dot} edu | United States |
Guillermo VegaLopez | guillermo.vega-lopez {at} fbqf {dot} unt {dot} edu {dot} ar | Argentina |
Swaraj Kunal | swaraj.avisa {at} gmail {dot} com | India |
semih cagan | semihcgn {at} gmail {dot} com | Turkey |
Juan Sebastian Alvarez | juan.alvarez1 {at} ucalgary {dot} ca | Canada |
Gülşen Günel | gulsen.gunel {at} ogr {dot} iu {dot} edu {dot} tr | Turkey |
Simon Hofer | soyouwantalab {at} gmail {dot} com | Austria |
Kheng Oon Low | khengoon {at} nibm {dot} my | Malaysia |
Download all of this information as a CSV from our GitHub.