Currently, sharing and reuse of plasmids is managed by material transfer agreements and patent-based property rights. Navigating these rights and agreements can place cumbersome legal burdens on researchers, who often do not have the legal training to negotiate the agreements themselves, and who may not have access to a university technology transfer office who can help them through the process.
To address these challenges, we have made our own open source plasmids of known provenance and free of IP conflict, thus removing property rights encumbrances and redistribution barriers. Here we present the Open Plasmids Collection, a growing group of standard, freely available, open-source plasmids. Plasmids in the collection can be reused, remade, and redistributed as often as one would like.
What can it be used for:
The Open Plasmids distribution is comprised of three plasmids: pBuild, pYeast, and pInducible. Each vector was designed specifically for the Open Plasmids Collection, and has both an E. coli origin of replication and an antibiotic resistance marker for negative selection.
pBuild is designed as a robust, flexible E. coli cloning vector. The plasmid backbone is compatible with multiple cloning strategies, including restriction ligation, Gibson assembly, SLiCE, and Golden Gate assembly using the FreeGenes MoClo standard. pYeast is an expression vector designed for propagation in E. coli and galactose-inducible expression in yeast, allowing users to investigate their genes in a eukaryotic environment. pInducible is an inducible-copy vector based on iGEM plasmid pSB2K3, and intended for cloning difficult or toxic genes.
Where can I find more information:
- More information about plasmids
- Freegenes Standard MoClo sites
- Plate Layout
- pBuild genbank file
- pYeast genbank file
- pInducible genbank file
Plates in distribution: 1
Shipped as purified and dried down plasmid DNA stained with Cresol Red in one 96-well plate. Each well contains approximately 50 ng of DNA. Cresol Red will not impact plasmid transformation.
Plate layout can be found here.
Instructions for Use:
Transform your plasmid of choice into competent Top10 E. coli cells (or similar). Culture at 37C overnight, with shaking at around 300rpm. The bacterial selection marker for pBuild is ampicillin, and the bacterial selection marker for pYeast and pInducible is kanamycin.
To induce pInducible’s high copy origin of replication, add IPTG to the mid-log-phase culture to a final concentration of 1mM. Allow cells to grow to saturation, then miniprep DNA.
This product is made available under the unilateral OpenMTA.
Some or all of these items are for use only as permitted by a research exemption.
Gene | Name | NCBI ID | Freegenes ID |
pBuild | pOpen_v3 | N/A | BBF10K_003498 |
pYeast | pOpen_yeast | N/A | BBF10K_003499 |
pInducible | pOpen_v4 | N/A | BBF10K_000589 |
Download all of this information as a CSV from our GitHub.
The bionet enables open peer-peer exchange of functional biomaterials and associated data. This product may also be available from bionet nodes that are more convenient to you. Here are other bionet nodes who may be willing to provide you this specific product.Name | Contact | Country |
Ahmad Suparmin | ahmad.suparmin {at} ugm {dot} ac {dot} id | Indonesia |
Dr. Rajashree Patil | rajshree.patil.n {at} gmail {dot} com | India |
Amjed Alsultan | NA | Iraq |
Phil Roche | philroche365 {at} gmail {dot} com | Canada |
Shivang Joshi | https://www.bacto.bio | United Kingdom |
Suresh Arakera | sbarakera {at} kud {dot} ac {dot} in | India |
Mariela Escobar | maru {at} michroma {dot} co | Argentina |
Jordan Gonzalez | jgonzalez {at} thecitizensciencelab {dot} org | United States |
Nikolaus Dietz | nikolaus.dietz {at} unibas {dot} ch | Switzerland |
Majed Alghamdi | mafa2 {at} le {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Wei-Min Chang | WeiMinChang {at} tmu {dot} edu {dot} tw | Taiwan |
Vincent Paris | NA | United States |
Hernán Rebolledo | lenaranjo {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Amitabha Majumdar | Mamitava {at} nccs {dot} res {dot} in | India |
Keoni Gandall | keonigandall.com | United States |
Matias Cabeza | matiascabeza {at} gmail {dot} com | Argentina |
Jonathan Chevriau | j.chevriau {at} gmail {dot} com | Argentina |
Peer Schenk | reuben.brown {at} uqconnect {dot} edu {dot} au | Australia |
Tim Dobbs | tim.dobbs {at} cri-paris {dot} org | France |
Dong Nguyen Tam | NA | Vietnam |
Sreenivas Eadara | sreeni.eadara {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Esteban Erben | eerben {at} iib {dot} unsam {dot} edu {dot} ar | Argentina |
Ian Cubit | Djcubit {at} nycap {dot} rr {dot} com | United States |
Peter Rootes | root0059 {at} umn {dot} edu | United States |
Joao Vitor Dutra Molino | candidomolino {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Ahmed Hegazy | a.hegazy {at} biotec {dot} rwth-aachen {dot} de | Germany |
Miles Rogers | miles.rogers {at} raytheon {dot} com | United States |
Sewa Singh | sewasingh {at} rnavaxbio {dot} com | India |
Emre Yörük | unalsergen {at} gmail {dot} com | Turkey |
Emin Bursa | NA | United States |
Julio Bonilla | jabonill {at} espol {dot} edu {dot} ec | Ecuador |
Jonathan Jonathan | Jonathancontact16 {at} gmail {dot} com | Indonesia |
Rodrigo Caroca | rcaroca {at} uazuay {dot} edu {dot} ec | Ecuador |
Shree Ram Singh | singhlabasu {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Jose David Rosales | jdrr55 {at} yahoo {dot} com https://www {dot} linkedin {dot} com/in/david-rosales-574a7151/ | Venezuela |
Ben Davis | bed58 {at} aber {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Tocvic Meng | Tocvic Meng \ Email: tocvic.meng {at} holocyte {dot} com \ website https://gmexpression {dot} com/ | Australia |
James Altamirano | James_altam {at} utexas {dot} edu | United States |
Stephen Klusza | smklusza {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Ed Eisenstein | eisenste {at} umd {dot} edu | United States |
Rolando Perez | rcperez {at} alumni {dot} stanford {dot} edu | United States |
Simran Kushwaha | https://www.bits-pilani.ac.in/pilani/biologicalScience/Faculty | India |
Han Teng Wong | wong_han_teng {at} imcb {dot} a-star {dot} edu {dot} sg | Singapore |
Oskar Zeballos | zebsamosk {at} gmail {dot} com | Bolivia |
Alexandr Dorif | dorif11 {at} gmail {dot} com | Moldova, Republic of |
Kevin Correia | kevin {at} kedalionlabs {dot} com | Netherlands |
Scott Pownall | scott {at} opensciencenet {dot} org | Canada |
Nadia Odaliz Chamana Chura | nadia.chamana {at} utec {dot} edu {dot} pe | France |
Danielle Pedrolli | danielle.pedrolli {at} unesp {dot} br | Brazil |
Cihan Aydin | cihan.aydin {at} medeniyet {dot} edu {dot} tr | Turkey |
Benjamin Arias | barias {at} alumni {dot} usfq {dot} edu {dot} ec | Ecuador |
Juan Vicente Farizano | juan.farizano {at} fbqf {dot} unt {dot} edu {dot} ar | Argentina |
Aleksandr Shilovich | mercurialbadger {at} yandex {dot} ru | Russia |
Xingyue jiang | karma5781 {at} 21cn {dot} com | China |
Andrei Berasneu | a.berasneu {at} kleverlab {dot} pl | Poland |
LUN CUI | luncui {at} cczu {dot} edu {dot} cn | China |
Alexander Iakovlev | atom.liquid {at} gmail {dot} com | Canada |
Norhan Hassan | norhan.hassan {at} kaust {dot} edu {dot} sa | Saudi Arabia |
Maira Goytia | mgoytia {at} spelman {dot} edu | United States |
Anil Challa | akchalla {at} uab {dot} edu | United States |
Kefentse Arnold Tumedi | tumediak {at} yahoo {dot} com | Botswana |
raghav sridhar | raghav {at} cambrianbioworks {dot} com | India |
Jose Munoz | Jose.Munoz {at} northumbria {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Matthew Phanchana | matthew.pha {at} mahidol {dot} edu | Thailand |
Tal Globus | bio {at} talglobus {dot} com | United States |
Tania Pozzo | tania.pozzo {at} gmail {dot} com | Sweden |
Elizabeth Bilsland | bilsland {at} unicamp {dot} br | Brazil |
Fristot Elsa | elsa.fristot {at} cbs {dot} cnrs {dot} fr | France |
Kenneth Frimpong | ken.frimpong {at} thrivusinstitute {dot} edu {dot} gh | Ghana |
Aileen Button | acbutton {at} ucsd {dot} edu | United States |
Wilson Teran | wteran.doc {at} gmail {dot} com | Colombia |
Ahmed Atef | ahmed_atefaig2 {at} yahoo {dot} com | Saudi Arabia |
Keoni Gandall | keoni {at} sporenetlabs {dot} com | United States |
Josephine Labos | N/A | Philippines |
Cauã Westman | caua.westmann {at} ieu {dot} uzh {dot} ch | Switzerland |
Travis Wertz | travis {at} traviswertz {dot} com | United States |
Maan Neamah | maanm.neamah {at} uokufa {dot} edu {dot} iq | Iraq |
Vitaliy Strochkov | NA | Kazakhstan |
Stephen Klusza | StephenKlusza {at} clayton {dot} edu | United States |
Swaraj Kunal | swaraj.avisa {at} gmail {dot} com | India |
semih cagan | semihcgn {at} gmail {dot} com | Turkey |
Gülşen Günel | gulsen.gunel {at} ogr {dot} iu {dot} edu {dot} tr | Turkey |
Jae-Seong Yang | jaeseong.yang {at} cragenomica {dot} es | Spain |
mehmet tardu | mtardu {at} gmail {dot} com | Turkey |
Ian Cubit | Djcubit {at} nycap {dot} are {dot} com | United States |
Kristel Alman | kristel.alman {at} ut {dot} ee | Estonia |
Johan Sosa | johan {at} thefunquantum {dot} com | United States |
Simon Hofer | soyouwantalab {at} gmail {dot} com | Austria |
Kheng Oon Low | khengoon {at} nibm {dot} my | Malaysia |
Lorenzo Zolfanelli | biopunk {at} zolfa {dot} nl | France |
Dayananda Chandrappa | nanda.daya {at} gmail {dot} com | India |
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