The Open Reporter Collection includes 32 commonly used reporter genes used in all kinds of biology labs for a variety of techniques including measuring gene expression, diagnostics, verifying successful transformations and more. The collection includes chromoproteins (which produce a colour that is visible to the naked eye), fluorescent proteins (that require excitation by a certain wavelength of light and emit another wavelength), luciferases (which emit bioluminscence) and other enzymes that enable colorimetric detection of a substrate by changing its color, for example horseradish peroxidase which classically turns a chemical substrate bright pink in very common antibody-based assays such as ELISA.
What can the collection be used for?
There are so many uses for reporter genes that parts of this collection will be useful for almost any lab performing cell or molecular biology. We have provided reporters with a variety of spectra, output and maturation times to cater for specific research uses. Importantly, we cover a wide variety of colours that are visible to the naked eye and using fluorescent detection, making this collection useful not only for research but also for education and even bioart. All reporters are off-patent and can also be used commercially, which is good news for small biotech companies.
Open Reporters are not provided in expression vectors. In order to see a color, you must subclone your gene of interest into an expression vector.
More information can be found at the Open Bioeconomy Lab Website. A plate map can be found here.
This kit is included in kit plate 2 of the 2022 iGEM distribution. The plate map for kit plate 2 of the iGEM 2022 distribution can be found here.
This product is made available under the unilateral OpenMTA.
Open Reporters is shipped as purified and dried down plasmid DNA stained with Cresol Red in one 96-well plate. Each well contains approximately 50 ng of DNA. Cresol Red will not impact plasmid transformation.
Prior Kit Versions
If you received an earlier version of this kit labeled "Open Enzymes (Part 2)/Open Reporters, you can find the platemap here.
Gene | Name | Freegenes ID |
cjBlue/ BioBrick K592011 | cjBlue/ BioBrick K592011 | BBF10K_003331 |
gfasPurple/gfasCP Biobrick K1033918 | gfasPurple/gfasCP Biobrick K1033918 | BBF10K_003335 |
meffCP | meffCP | BBF10K_003338 |
meffCFP | meffCFP | BBF10K_003342 |
mmilCFP | mmilCFP | BBF10K_003343 |
meleCFP | meleCFP | BBF10K_003344 |
efasCFP | efasCFP | BBF10K_003345 |
aacuGFP1 | aacuGFP1 | BBF10K_003346 |
aacuGFP2 | aacuGFP2 | BBF10K_003347 |
afraGFP | afraGFP | BBF10K_003348 |
amilGFP Biobrick K592010 | amilGFP Biobrick K592010 | BBF10K_003349 |
eechGFP1 | eechGFP1 | BBF10K_003350 |
eechGFP2 | eechGFP2 | BBF10K_003351 |
eechGFP3 | eechGFP3 | BBF10K_003352 |
efasGFP | efasGFP | BBF10K_003353 |
gfasGFP | gfasGFP | BBF10K_003354 |
palmGFP | palmGFP | BBF10K_003355 |
amilRFP | amilRFP | BBF10K_003357 |
meffRed/meffRFP Biobricks K592012 | meffRed/meffRFP Biobricks K592012 | BBF10K_003358 |
meleRFP | meleRFP | BBF10K_003360 |
scubRFP | scubRFP | BBF10K_003361 |
eforRed/eforCP Biobrick K592012 | eforRed/eforCP Biobrick K592012 | BBF10K_003362 |
amajLime/amajCFP/amFP486 BioBrick K1033916 | amajLime/amajCFP/amFP486 BioBrick K1033916 | BBF10K_003364 |
EiraCFP Biobrick J97000 | EiraCFP Biobrick J97000 | BBF10K_003365 |
HRP | horseradish peroxidase (HRP) | BBF10K_003367 |
Firefly Luciferase [Photinus pyralis] (Fluc) | Firefly Luciferase [Photinus pyralis] (Fluc) | BBF10K_003368 |
Luciferase [Luciola cruciata] (Japanese firefly) | Luciferase [Luciola cruciata] (Japanese firefly) | BBF10K_003369 |
Renilla luciferase | Renilla luciferase | BBF10K_003370 |
beta-lactamase | beta-lactamase | BBF10K_003371 |
CIAP | Calf Intestine Alkaline phosphatase (CIAP) | BBF10K_003372 |
Download all of this information as a CSV from our GitHub.
The bionet enables open peer-peer exchange of functional biomaterials and associated data. This product may also be available from bionet nodes that are more convenient to you. Here are other bionet nodes who may be willing to provide you this specific product.Name | Contact | Country |
John Allan | john.allan {at} northumbria {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Ahmad Suparmin | ahmad.suparmin {at} ugm {dot} ac {dot} id | Indonesia |
Dr. Rajashree Patil | rajshree.patil.n {at} gmail {dot} com | India |
Phil Roche | philroche365 {at} gmail {dot} com | Canada |
Shivang Joshi | https://www.bacto.bio | United Kingdom |
Suresh Arakera | sbarakera {at} kud {dot} ac {dot} in | India |
Mariela Escobar | maru {at} michroma {dot} co | Argentina |
Jordan Gonzalez | jgonzalez {at} thecitizensciencelab {dot} org | United States |
Nikolaus Dietz | nikolaus.dietz {at} unibas {dot} ch | Switzerland |
Jimmy Linhares | Synbioamazonas {at} gmail {dot} com | Brazil |
Jonathan LeCureux | jlecureu {at} svsuedu | United States |
Guillermo VegaLopez | guillermo.vega-lopez {at} fbqf {dot} unt {dot} edu {dot} ar | United States |
Majed Alghamdi | mafa2 {at} le {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
robson tramontina | robson.tramontina {at} gmail {dot} com | Brazil |
Emmanuele Severi | emmanuele.severi {at} newcastle {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Moritz Venne | moritz.venne {at} web {dot} de | Germany |
Wei-Min Chang | WeiMinChang {at} tmu {dot} edu {dot} tw | Taiwan |
Vincent Paris | NA | United States |
John Allan | john.allan {at} eng {dot} ox {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Hernán Rebolledo | lenaranjo {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Amitabha Majumdar | Mamitava {at} nccs {dot} res {dot} in | India |
SERV0223789 CAROLINE BACQUET | caroline.bacquet {at} ikiam {dot} edu {dot} ec | United States |
Meng Lu | menglu {at} iastate {dot} edu | United States |
Jonathan Chevriau | j.chevriau {at} gmail {dot} com | Argentina |
Ben Thuronyi | bwt2 {at} williams {dot} edu | United States |
Tomasz Jurkowski | jurkowskit {at} cardiff {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Intan Taufik | i.taufik {at} sith {dot} itb {dot} ac {dot} id | Indonesia |
Peer Schenk | reuben.brown {at} uqconnect {dot} edu {dot} au | Australia |
Tim Dobbs | tim.dobbs {at} cri-paris {dot} org | France |
Sreenivas Eadara | sreeni.eadara {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Esteban Erben | eerben {at} iib {dot} unsam {dot} edu {dot} ar | Argentina |
Jianxiang Shi | jianxiangshi {at} zzu {dot} edu {dot} cn | China |
Yi Wu | F.Nobrega {at} soton {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Ian Cubit | Djcubit {at} nycap {dot} rr {dot} com | United States |
Peter Rootes | root0059 {at} umn {dot} edu | United States |
Shawn Lyons | smlyons1 {at} bu {dot} edu | United States |
Joao Vitor Dutra Molino | candidomolino {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Ahmed Hegazy | a.hegazy {at} biotec {dot} rwth-aachen {dot} de | Germany |
Mark Slabodnick | mmslabodnick {at} knox {dot} edu | United States |
Emin Bursa | NA | United States |
Watanyu Bunsermyos | watanyu.bu {at} ku {dot} th | Thailand |
Shree Ram Singh | singhlabasu {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Jose David Rosales | jdrr55 {at} yahoo {dot} com https://www {dot} linkedin {dot} com/in/david-rosales-574a7151/ | Venezuela |
Jorge Marchand | jmarcha {at} uw {dot} edu | United States |
Tocvic Meng | Tocvic Meng \ Email: tocvic.meng {at} holocyte {dot} com \ website https://gmexpression {dot} com/ | Australia |
Michael Powers | mpowers9304 {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
James Altamirano | James_altam {at} utexas {dot} edu | United States |
Lisandro Pacheco | lpacheco28 {at} unisimonbolivar {dot} edu {dot} co | Colombia |
Carlos Ueira-Vieira | ueira {at} ufu {dot} br | Brazil |
Jacques Mathieu | mathieu {at} rice {dot} edu | United States |
Stephen Klusza | smklusza {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Jehovani Lopez | jlopez {at} genspace {dot} org | United States |
Han Teng Wong | wong_han_teng {at} imcb {dot} a-star {dot} edu {dot} sg | Singapore |
Elena Rosca | erosca {at} ashesi {dot} edu {dot} gh | Ghana |
Oskar Zeballos | zebsamosk {at} gmail {dot} com | Bolivia |
Jose David Rosales | https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-rosales-574a7151/ | United States |
Fernan Federici | ffederici {at} bio {dot} puc {dot} cl | Chile |
Kevin Correia | kevin {at} kedalionlabs {dot} com | Netherlands |
Prince Samoh | Samohprince.edem {at} gmail {dot} com | Ghana |
Nadia Odaliz Chamana Chura | nadia.chamana {at} utec {dot} edu {dot} pe | France |
Joey Riepsaame | joey.riepsaame {at} path {dot} ox {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Manish Kushwaha | manish.kushwaha {at} inrae {dot} fr | France |
Keoni Gandall | koeng101 {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Cihan Aydin | cihan.aydin {at} medeniyet {dot} edu {dot} tr | Turkey |
Benjamin Arias | barias {at} alumni {dot} usfq {dot} edu {dot} ec | Ecuador |
Juan Vicente Farizano | juan.farizano {at} fbqf {dot} unt {dot} edu {dot} ar | Argentina |
Aleksandr Shilovich | mercurialbadger {at} yandex {dot} ru | Russia |
Benjamin Loang | benjamin.liang {at} uq {dot} edu {dot} au | Australia |
Xingyue jiang | karma5781 {at} 21cn {dot} com | China |
LUN CUI | luncui {at} cczu {dot} edu {dot} cn | China |
Leandro Oliveira (NG) | ll637 {at} cam {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Alexander Iakovlev | atom.liquid {at} gmail {dot} com | Canada |
Chris Badenhorst | chris.badenhorst {at} uni-greifswald {dot} de | Germany |
Maira Goytia | mgoytia {at} spelman {dot} edu | United States |
Elliot Medina | elliot.medina {at} moffitt {dot} org | United States |
Kelly Gallagher | kelly.gallagher {at} oneonta {dot} edu | United States |
Sarah Ware | sarah.ware {at} bioblaze {dot} org | United States |
Anil Challa | akchalla {at} uab {dot} edu | United States |
Pratik Vyas | iampratikvyas {at} gamil {dot} com | India |
Kefentse Arnold Tumedi | tumediak {at} yahoo {dot} com | Botswana |
Arthur Zanetti Nunes Fernandes | fgueiros {at} iq {dot} usp {dot} br | United States |
Matthew Phanchana | matthew.pha {at} mahidol {dot} edu | Thailand |
Tal Globus | bio {at} talglobus {dot} com | United States |
Foong-Jing Goh | wind1989 {at} hotmail {dot} com | Taiwan |
Elizabeth Bilsland | bilsland {at} unicamp {dot} br | Brazil |
Fristot Elsa | elsa.fristot {at} cbs {dot} cnrs {dot} fr | France |
Kenneth Frimpong | ken.frimpong {at} thrivusinstitute {dot} edu {dot} gh | Ghana |
Aileen Button | acbutton {at} ucsd {dot} edu | United States |
Amir Kashani | NA | Canada |
Josephine Labos | N/A | Philippines |
Cauã Westman | caua.westmann {at} ieu {dot} uzh {dot} ch | Switzerland |
Vitaliy Strochkov | NA | Kazakhstan |
Swaraj Kunal | swaraj.avisa {at} gmail {dot} com | India |
Gülşen Günel | gulsen.gunel {at} ogr {dot} iu {dot} edu {dot} tr | Turkey |
mehmet tardu | mtardu {at} gmail {dot} com | Turkey |
Kristel Alman | kristel.alman {at} ut {dot} ee | Estonia |
Simon Hofer | soyouwantalab {at} gmail {dot} com | Austria |
Lorenzo Zolfanelli | biopunk {at} zolfa {dot} nl | France |
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