What is it?
“Clonetegration” is a method for integrating DNA into prokaryotic chromosomes that approaches the simplicity of cloning DNA within extrachromosomal vectors. Compared to existing techniques, clonetegration drastically decreases the time and effort needed for integration of single or multiple DNA fragments. Additionally, clonetegration facilitates cloning and expression of genetic elements that are impossible to propagate within typical multicopy plasmids.
What can it be used for?
Integrating your favorite DNA into specific loci on a bacterial chromosome.
Where can I find more information?
One-Step Cloning and Chromosomal Integration of DNA, François St-Pierre, Lun Cui, David G. Priest, Drew Endy, Ian B. Dodd, and Keith E. Shearwin, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/sb400021j?src=recsys&
The One-Step Cloning and Chromosomal Integration of DNA Toolkit is shipped as purified and dried down plasmid DNA stained with Cresol Red in one 96-well plate. Each well contains approximately 50 ng of DNA. Cresol Red will not impact plasmid transformation.
If you've already received the plate, use Chrome or Firefox to download the plate layout. Plates are labelled "One Step Integration Collection"
This kit is included in kit plate 2 of the 2022 iGEM distribution. The plate map for kit plate 2 of the iGEM 2022 distribution can be found here.
Gene | Name | Freegenes ID |
pE-FLP | pE-FLP | BBF10K_000016 |
pOSIP-CH (CamR, HK022) | pOSIP-CH (CamR, HK022) | BBF10K_000031 |
pOSIP-KO (KanR, 186) | pOSIP-KO (KanR, 186) | BBF10K_000492 |
pOSIP-TT (TetR, P21) | pOSIP-TT (TetR, P21) | BBF10K_000493 |
Download all of this information as a CSV from our GitHub.
The bionet enables open peer-peer exchange of functional biomaterials and associated data. This product may also be available from bionet nodes that are more convenient to you. Here are other bionet nodes who may be willing to provide you this specific product.Name | Contact | Country |
Kyle Erlenbeck | krerlenbeck {at} dcsdk12 {dot} org | United States |
Fernan Federici | ffederici {at} bio {dot} puc {dot} cl | Chile |
Benjamin Chavez | chavez {at} ipk-gatersleben {dot} de | Germany |
John Allan | john.allan {at} northumbria {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Mikhail Khvochtchev | mikhail.khv {at} mahidol {dot} edu | Thailand |
Ahmad Suparmin | ahmad.suparmin {at} ugm {dot} ac {dot} id | Indonesia |
Rodolfo Marcolino | rodolfo.marcolino {at} me {dot} com | Argentina |
Wapouo Fadanka Stephane | mboalab {at} gmail {dot} com | Republic of Cameroon |
Ian Cubit | Djcubit {at} nycap {dot} rr {dot} com | United States |
Fristot Elsa | elsa.fristot {at} cbs {dot} cnrs {dot} fr | France |
Kenneth Frimpong | ken.frimpong {at} thrivusinstitute {dot} edu {dot} gh | Ghana |
kangquan YIN | yinkq {at} bjfu {dot} edu {dot} cn | China |
Amjed Alsultan | NA | Iraq |
Keoni Gandall | koeng101 {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Shivang Joshi | shivangjoshis4 {at} gmail {dot} com | United Kingdom |
Phil Roche | philroche365 {at} gmail {dot} com | Canada |
Ahmed Atef | ahmed_atefaig2 {at} yahoo {dot} com | Saudi Arabia |
Ahmed Hegazy | a.hegazy {at} biotec {dot} rwth-aachen {dot} de | Germany |
Franklin Nobrega | f.nobrega {at} soton {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Libby Sharpe | libby.sharpe {at} leomail {dot} tamuc {dot} edu | United States |
Amir Kashani | NA | Canada |
Jennifer Molloy | jcm80 {at} cam {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Josephine Labos | N/A | Philippines |
Benjamin Arias | barias {at} alumni {dot} usfq {dot} edu {dot} ec | Ecuador |
Juan Vicente Farizano | juan.farizano {at} fbqf {dot} unt {dot} edu {dot} ar | Argentina |
Aleksandr Shilovich | mercurialbadger {at} yandex {dot} ru | Russia |
Cauã Westman | caua.westmann {at} ieu {dot} uzh {dot} ch | Switzerland |
Julie Legault | julie {at} amino {dot} bio | Canada |
Jordan Gonzalez | jgonzalez {at} thecitizensciencelab {dot} org | United States |
Maan Neamah | maanm.neamah {at} uokufa {dot} edu {dot} iq | Iraq |
Xingyue jiang | karma5781 {at} 21cn {dot} com | China |
Jonathan Jonathan | Jonathancontact16 {at} gmail {dot} com | Indonesia |
LUN CUI | luncui {at} cczu {dot} edu {dot} cn | China |
Majed Alghamdi | mafa2 {at} le {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Ashton Cropp | tacropp {at} vcu {dot} edu | United States |
Yan Zhang | yz473 {at} gatech {dot} edu | United States |
robson tramontina | robson.tramontina {at} gmail {dot} com | Brazil |
Shree Ram Singh | singhlabasu {at} gmail {dot} com | United States |
Moritz Venne | moritz.venne {at} web {dot} de | Germany |
Vincent Paris | NA | United States |
Swaraj Kunal | swaraj.avisa {at} gmail {dot} com | India |
John Allan | john.allan {at} eng {dot} ox {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Meng Lu | menglu {at} iastate {dot} edu | United States |
Jae-Seong Yang | jaeseong.yang {at} cragenomica {dot} es | Spain |
mehmet tardu | mtardu {at} gmail {dot} com | Turkey |
Jonathan Chevriau | j.chevriau {at} gmail {dot} com | Argentina |
Ben Thuronyi | bwt2 {at} williams {dot} edu | United States |
Simran Kushwaha | https://www.bits-pilani.ac.in/pilani/biologicalScience/Faculty | India |
Erman ÖZER | aracnoid {at} gmail {dot} com | Turkey |
Kefentse Arnold Tumedi | tumediak {at} yahoo {dot} com | Botswana |
Han Teng Wong | wong_han_teng {at} imcb {dot} a-star {dot} edu {dot} sg | Singapore |
Peer Schenk | reuben.brown {at} uqconnect {dot} edu {dot} au | Australia |
Pakpoom Subsoontorn | pakpoomton {at} gmail {dot} com | Thailand |
Jose Munoz | Jose.Munoz {at} northumbria {dot} ac {dot} uk | United Kingdom |
Arthur Zanetti Nunes Fernandes | fgueiros {at} iq {dot} usp {dot} br | United States |
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